Popular Instagram Trends You Need To Be Familiar With - Find Out!

Digital trends change & a must for businesses to stay updated to keep up their online presence and brand awareness. Now, Instagram is a massive marketing tool where businesses of all sizes use Instagram as their primary or secondary revenue generation tool. With 80% of the users & influencers tends to be online, there's a lot of competition in the market & winning is a bit tough and stressful. Well, that's not the end. You can implement an effective marketing strategy & stay in line with the trends to keep your business ahead of the curve.

Instagram Shops and Instagram Checkout

Instagram shops feature allows professional profiles to create their store within the social network, instead of tagging products. This way, users can complete their product purchases without leaving the page.

Live Streams on Instagram

Instagram's live streams have increased in popularity this year, especially during the various quarantine periods.You can easily communicate with your audience by going live and catch their minds in a better way.

Influencer Advertising Regulations

Instagram has a list of policies to ensure that influencers do not spread misinformation or false news about products or services that they share with their followers. Influencers must follow the community guidelines, comply with the platform's content monetization policies, understand the difference between paid partnerships and branded content, etc.

Sticker Selfies

This fun feature allows users to create their emojis or reactions from selfies and then add them to their stories. These animated stickers are gaining attention and popularity recently.

The Explore Tab

Instagram stories have gained popularity over the years & their usefulness for brands continue to grow. 90% of brands believe that stories have had a massive impact on influencer content. Nearly 70% of influencers say that it's easier to connect to the audience.


Reels on Instagram have created a global impact on Instagram as users continue to upload dance videos, gifs and even use them to run commercial ads.

Branded Augmented Reality Filters

Instagram's AR filters provide interesting commercial possibilities, such as trying on makeup or clothes virtually or placing furniture in your home to get an idea of how it would look. This particular feature is a great hit and continues to grow in the upcoming years.

Ads on IGTV

IGTV ads is a new feature that is more attractive for both influencers and businesses looking to monetize their content and brands looking to gain visibility.

Instagram Carousel Posts

Carousel posts on Instagram are continuing to grow and on-trend. When planning your posts, think about how you can leverage this format to showcase more quality content and communicate your brand's message.

Digital Stickers

Digital stickers on Instagram add virtual stickers with extra information to the images. These can display things like a price, the validity period of an offer, or even a motivational message.

As you are aware of the trends and use them wisely, you can make a difference and build a strong online presence.