Benefits Of Outdoor Advertising - Check Them Out!

The rise of social media ads took a tremendous turn-on over the customer buying behaviour and had made brands dust off their brain & hire creative people to design their outdoor ads. Have you ever been stunned by a creative outdoor ad? Whether it’s hoardings or signboards, or vehicle branding, each outdoor ad serves a specific purpose. For instance, a hotel company will probably benefit from having more advertisements in airports and taxis than on hoardings. Outdoor advertising is a broad umbrella, individual companies and products can inform the specifics of their brand through creative & creative, personalised outdoor advertising campaigns.

More Noticeable

If you're investing in outdoor ads, the benefits are endless. One of the key advantages of outdoor advertising is that it’s more noticeable. Online advertising can be frustrating since so many consumers have ad-blockers in place. However, Hoarding ads don’t have these problems and are unblockable and more noticeable. If you compare the size of a hoarding vs. a Facebook ad, it’s pretty obvious which one is bigger, and therefore, is more noticeable.

More Accepted By Consumers

Outdoor ads are a more acceptable form of advertising to the individual consumer. For one, it has been around much longer than online ads. Consumers of all different generations have seen signboards, hoardings, posters, or advertisements on the subway.

Helps To Benefit Other Advertising Campaigns

Outdoor ads are a hit & tend to be more perceptive of their surroundings outside of the home. When customers are in public, they’re more alert, aware, and perceptive in both unfamiliar locations and louder, busier locations. This increased alertness means that consumers can have a good look at your advertisements, even if they’re not consciously aware of them. This effect can boost your other advertising campaigns.

Brand Building & Awareness

Outdoor advertising is very effective in building brand awareness and brand image. Since customers can’t “ignore” outdoor ads the way they can with online ads, they have very little control over what ads they see outside of the home. Therefore, many consumers will travel by and frequent the same locations and the same advertisements every day, which helps to build a level of familiarity with those advertisements. Well-placed and nice-looking outdoor advertisements can benefit from this even more strongly.


Whether you’re a startup or an established company with a limited marketing budget, you can rely on outdoor advertising for its relative cost-effectiveness. In this current environment, outdoor advertising is often cheaper than print or digital advertising. Additionally, outdoor advertising is more long-term than print or digital ads.

Also, work with a company that can help you design ads and properly locate them where your desired consumers will see them. In Chennai, there’s no better outdoor advertising company than Brand Marketers. We will work with each business to design and plan outdoor